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Testing the Deutsch-Drahthaar

VDD is affiliated with the German organization Jagdgebrauchshund-Verband e.V. (JGHV), which is the organization in charge of the testing and judging system for the versatile breeds. JGHV provides the test regulations, authorizes the judges, and maintains records of all test scores for the breed clubs of versatile dogs.

A Deutsch-Drahthaar bounding to retrieve game

In keeping with the guiding philosophy of VDD “Through Performance to Standard”, the primary purpose of testing is to provide information for making breeding decisions and to evaluate the outcome of those decisions. The tests also provide a structure that helps us to prepare a dog to be a competent and agreeable hunting companion. The tests are not a competition among dogs, but rather a measure of each dog against a standard.

The Verbands-Jugend-Prüfung (VJP, or Young Dog Test) and the Verbands-Herbstzucht-Prüfung (HZP, or Fall Breed Test) are the "breed tests" of the JGHV. The purpose of these tests is to determine the natural abilities of young dogs with regard to hunting and future breeding potential. Young DDs can only run these tests during their first year and a half. Nose, search, pointing, tracking, and cooperation are evaluated in the VJP, which is run in the spring. Retrieving, water work, obedience and desire to work are added to these at the HZP in the subsequent fall. Gun sensitivity is evaluated in both tests. It is important to note that a tracking score of at least SUFFICIENT in the VJP is one of the mandatory requirements for a dog to be certified for breeding in VDD, so this test is absolutely necessary if you are considering breeding your dog.

The Verbands-Gebrauchsprüfung (VGP, or Utility Test) evaluates the abilities of the fully trained dog and can occur at any age. In addition to a more advanced level of the field and water work than was tested in the VJP and HZP, the VGP includes forest work with the retrieve of a dead fox and a blood track that simulates a wounded deer or other large game. A higher value is placed on Obedience in the VGP compared with the earlier breed tests, and the dog is expected to be under complete control at all times. The VGP is a two-day test that takes place only in the fall.

The Verbands-Schweißprüfungen (VSwP, or Blood Tracking Test) provides the opportunity to further evaluate a dog on a 20-hour or 40-hour blood track.

There are two additional tests each fall that are sponsored exclusively by VDD itself. These are the Hegewald Zuchtprüfung in Germany and the Armbruster Zuchtprüfung in the US. These prestigious international tests are HZPs that are open only to dogs that achieve 65 points or better at the spring VJP. These events include a Breed Show to evaluate coat and conformation, with the final score for each dog being determined by a combination of its HZP performance score plus the coat and conformation scores. The top ranking dogs at these international tests are highly valued.

More detailed information about the testing system and the various tests can be found in the Members Section of the web site or by contacting the Director of Testing.

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