Verein Deutsch-Drahthaar
Group Canada
Canadian Breed Club for the Deutsch-Drahthaar
Message for Users with Javascript Disabled
The Verein Deutsch-Drahthaar Group Canada website has been designed with a balance between usability and accessibility in mind. However, to experience the full functionality of this website requires that Javascript be enabled in your web browsing software. Visiting this website with Javascript disabled will impact your site experience in two ways:
- The menu will not have full functionality
- E-mail addresses will not appear
While it was not strictly necessary to use Javascript for the menu on this website, it has been employed with a view to making the website more usable, and interactive with users who have Javascript enabled in their browsers. All menu links remain accessible to users with Javascript disabled, but some usability is lost.
Due to a recent increase in e-mail address harvesting by 'spider' software, e-mail addresses on this website have been encoded using Javascript. While there is no perfect method to preventing e-mail address harvesting, the designers of this website view the Javascript method used on this site to be the most effective available at the time the site was being designed (2003-2004). Therefore, users with Javascript disabled will not be able to access e-mail addresses on the VDD Group Canada website.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but it is our hope that you understand that this is a preventative security measure for VDD Group Canada Executive members, as well as others affiliated with the VDD Canada Group, and not a discriminatory measure taken against users with Javascript disabled. Therefore, if you need to access contact information on this website, please temporarily enable Javascript in your web browsing software.
Please use your browsers 'Back' button to return to the page you were previously viewing, or use the links below to access the Public Section homepage or Members Section homepage of this site. The Members Section homepage will ask for user authentification, however.